Bug X Hunter

Pentest as a Service

Penetration Testing as a Service enables you to meet compliance goals and reduce risk with fast, impactful testing.

Penetration testing done right

Bugcrowd Platform‘s modern Pen Testing as a Service (PTaaS) suite delivers high-velocity, high-impact results for both compliance and risk reduction at the speed of digital business. Launch pen tests against any target in days with a pentester team designed for your needs, see prioritized findings in real time/flow them directly into DevSec processes, and easily repeat tests at scale if needed.

Pentesting types


For basic assurance

External Web Apps and External Networks

Automated vulnerability assessment for PCI 6.6

Basic report


For standard pen tests

External Web Apps and External Networks

Standard report

Expert, trusted pentesters (CrowdMatch)

Real-time Pen Test Dashboard

Integration with SDLC


For pen tests with special requirements

Web Apps, Networks, Mobile Apps, APIs, Cloud Services, IoT

Detailed report (e.g., can be customized for specific regulations)

Support for special pentester requirements: Geolocation restrictions, special skill sets, etc.

Solution Architect


Internal Targets


For maximum risk management

Web Apps, Networks, Mobile Apps, APIs, Cloud Services, IoT

Everything in Plus +

Choice of continuous or time-boxed testing

Methodology-driven pen testing combined with incentivized bug bounty

Standard Pentesting Sizes

Pick your penetration testing size

Bug X Small


Bug X Medium


Bug X Large


Penetration Test Dashboard

Never be in the dark about your pen test results again. View prioritized findings, action items, analytics, and pentester progress 24/7 in a rich dashboard, and communicate with pentesters directly when needed. When ready, your final report (see sample for Standard pen test – Web App) is available for download from the same dashboard. 

PTaaS Dashboard

Curated Pentester Teams

Other pen test providers take a cookie-cutter approach to pen testing regardless of your specific assets, environment, or needs–virtually guaranteeing low-impact results. Instead, our platform’s CrowdMatchTM AI technology curates qualified, engaged teams for your precise requirements (and rotates testers whenever needed), bringing high-quality results that have earned us CREST accreditation for pen testing.

Crest Curated pentester teams

Gamified Testing

Sometimes, the “pay for effort” approach won’t deliver the results you want, particularly when risk reduction is the main goal. So, in addition to flat-rate pen test solutions, we offer a “pay for impact” incentivized testing model in which elite pentesters are rewarded based on results, with up to hundreds of eyes on your targets. For many customers, this approach provides maximum risk reduction.

Gamified testing

Analytics and Reports

The Bugcrowd Security Knowledge Platform™ includes a rich security knowledge graph containing millions of data points about vulnerabilities, assets, environments, and skill sets developed over a decade of building customer solutions. This data enables dynamic, contextual workflows, AI-powered tools like CrowdMatch™, and ​​rich analytics, reports, and recommendations to help you continuously monitor KPIs and improve your security posture.

Analytics and reports
Bug X Hunter

All-in-one bug bounty and security testing platform for businesses and security researchers.

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Level 3, 31 Alfred St
Sydney, NSW 2000


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Penetration testing done right

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